What is Be*?

Be* is a enterprise support organisation providing information, advise and guidance to new and early life businesses. We provide a series of early intervention services to equip the business owner with the necessary knowledge and skills to increase the prospects for the venture.

Specifically, what services do you provide?

We provide business counselling and advice sessions to pre-starts and early life businesses considering a new business venture. We run a series of workshops and training seminars themed on topics that each business owner should be familiar with. We provide workspace for new businesses along with technology services.

How much does it cost?

If your business is based in London or within the m25 then you can access our services free of charge or at a heavily subsidised rate. We are funded by private and public body sponsors that support us to delivery a service to the local business community.

Do you provide funding?

We work with several public sector organisations that provide loans for start up businesses and grants within designated areas in London. We also work with a network of private institutions that providing funding on a larger scale if required.

How much does it cost for your offices workspaces?

We have a range of private offices and shared work spaces that includes a range of business services including:
• Service office space
• All bills included
• High speed internet
• VOiP phone services and local phone number with call management facility
• Web hosting and design services

Who are you mentors and advisers?

We have assembled a team of expert advisers from the business community and academia to provide exception value for our clients. You find your mentor or advisor to be a CEO of multi-national corporation providing exceptions insight and experience. Our advisors and mentors work with by funding from our projects or on a completely voluntary basis whether they share our passion for helping new business flourish.

How do I get started?

Simply use the contact form on this site and one of business support advisers will connect with you to discuss your requirements further. You will receive up to 3 business counselling sessions at no charge and access to our training events. If you need further support we can recommend a programme over a period of time that includes mentoring, funding advice and further services as required.

How confidential are my business details?

Every client when accessing our services are subject to a standard Non disclosure Agreement or NDA. This ensures that you can confidently discuss your business idea secure in the knowledge that any intellectual property remains protected.

What's the next steps?

Prepare your business proposition to get the most out of the sessions. Have a clear idea of what you require and where you need support. Our team will do the rest! What are you waiting for?

Need some help?


123 - 456 7890

